With a grain of film, let me tell you..
About 2 months ago, I got an irresistible urge to restart my photography journey and the inspiration for that was kindled by a mere visual of a camera — Fujifilm x100v.
Inspired thoughts give inspired actions. I wrote my heart out on that day on gofundme and medium expecting some unexpected help. But deep inside I knew, I was on my own on this journey.
People advised me that camera doesn’t matter, the best camera is the one you already have and so on, the things I already knew.
When I wrote about my first mobile camera being my best camera till date, that is exactly I also meant. But people always want to give you their input, which is great by the way.
What people didn’t understand was that, I took a decision and I was going to stick with it. Though thank you for your advises.
They say, shoot for the stars, you might reach the moon. And in my case this is where I landed. I found a second hand Fujifilm x100s on eBay and I had saved up just enough for that.
And here is the first of the many thousands images that is going to come.

The whole experience also taught me to do things on my own terms.
I’ve always lived to make others happy, even if it meant making sacrifices or compromises.
The world will tell you that it is a virtue.
Yes, it could be a virtue, but you don’t want others telling you what is right and what is wrong and what to do and what not to do constantly.
You listen to your heart. You listen to whatever that gives you joy. This may sound like over-simplification. But it is one way to live life to the fullest!
I like grainy images. I like blurry often soft or even out of focus images. I like imperfect images. And I will capture images at the highest ISO settings available. I may set the camera to manual focus and capture not-so-sharp images.
Like this one below.

It is my art. It is my rules. You can judge, you can give advice. I’ll look forward to it too. But now let me share some images.
Do take it with some grains of sensor because it is straight from the camera, without any edits.

Well, that is all for now.
I have started my race towards my first 10000 images.
Because Henri Cartier-Bresson said, “Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst.”
Well, what do you think?
#fujifilm #x100s #sydney